attorney criminal law Munich | specialist criminal law | defense lawyer

Welcome to the website of the criminal law office Martin Kämpf! As a lawyer, I specialize in criminal law and summary proceedings. I am a specialist lawyer for criminal law and take over your criminal defense in Munich and nationwide. On my homepage you will find an overview of my activities as a defense lawyer. You will also receive extensive information about criminal law.

criminal law

I am active in crime criminal law (theft, fraud or personal injury, etc.), narcotics criminal law (eg cultivation, possession, acquisition and trade with drugs), traffic criminal law (drunkenness in traffic, endangerment of road traffic or coercion, etc.), internet criminal law and juvenile justice.

summary proceedings

The fine is the so-called little brother of criminal law. I take over your defense, if you have a hearing form or penalty notice/fine (with fine, driving ban and points) because of driving under influence – dui – (§ 24a StVG), speeding, red light offense, distance offense or other have received.

This is how my former clients rate my work as a criminal defense lawyer:

You can reach me by phone at 089/228433-55 and find my office  in the city center of Munich in the Pettenkoferstraße 10a. A city map including directions can be found under contact.

Your rights in criminal proceedings – talk to your lawyer, not the police!

Already in the preliminary investigation, but also in further criminal proceedings, you have a comprehensive right to silence. Use it! You do not have to and are not supposed to accuse yourself. Especially with such drastic and impressive measures as arrest and house search, I recommend that you do not talk to the police. Without my knowledge of the investigation file it is in my experience regularly impossible to survey the whole range of allegations and defend oneself properly. Therefore, you should early assign a lawyer and apply for this file inspection in the investigation file.

Why a specialist lawyer for criminal law?

There is a lot at stake. The criminal process is about your money, your freedom, your reputation, and your existence. As your defense lawyer I fight engaged, professional and with the necessary professional competence for your rights. As a specialist lawyer for criminal law, i have the specialization required in criminal proceedings. My special theoretical and practical experience (according to §§ 5f and 13 FAO) necessary for the award of this title was proved to the Munich Bar Association. In addition, I am obliged to educate myself regularly.

Contact your lawyer – Rechtsanwalt Kämpf!

As a defendant in a preliminary investigation or later as a defendant, you are in an onerous and exceptional situation. You have many unanswered questions. In order to avoid mistakes that later have an effect on you, you can always arrange short-term appointments for initial consultation with my law firm. Give me a call: 089/228433-55, I will stand up for you! You can also write me an e-mail.

Location and accessibility of the law firm:

My office is located in the center of Munich, in Pettenkoferstraße 10a. Parking is available at Pettenkoferstraße, Schillerstraße and Goethestrasse (fees apply to each). By public transport you can reach me by subway (Sendlinger Tor or Goetheplatz) and S-Bahn (Munich Central Station).